Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What will most likely be a cluster f**k post

I haven't posted for a while, mostly because I haven't got into the habit of blogging yet. So this one will talk about random stuff.

I'll get the boring stuff out of the way first. Even though my Wegeners is technically active, I feel fine. Just went for a blood test, I'll get the result on Monday when I see my Doctor. I'm not too worried about it though.

Work is the same as always, low paying but easy enough. Would be nice if they'd give me full time hours though instead of 30ish. I should really go and get a second job, but I'm lazy. I took British Literature this summer and got an A (just). It was an okay class, started off boring (Beowulf...which somehow makes killing monsters sound boring), but it got better towards the end when stories were easier to understand, like the Importance of being Earnest. I'm taking fall semester off for now...can't really afford another at the moment.

I've been playing a lot of chess online, on Not sure if I'm getting any better though, I've lost a lot of games in the tournaments,lol. Although I got a draw recently, only had my king left, I was proud of that. :) Video game wise I've been playing Infamous which I got free from Playstaion Network after their downtime. It's really fun, although because I don't play often, it's taking forever to finish, I'm about 2/3 of the way through playing as a good guy, and I just started an game with me picking the evil options (even though it's a game, I often feel guilty doing that,lol.) On netflix, I have been pretty much revisting my childhood, mostly with saturday morning shows like xmen and power rangers. I also intend to start watching All the star trek episodes. Should be fun. :)

This month seems like it'll be pretty interesting. My Brother's birthday on the 7th and then my Niece's birthday on the 8th. I have my Doctor's appointment on the 8th too, and then another on the 25th. Then it's my birthday on the 26th (and my parent's 34th anniversary). August 27th, Doctor Who! Wooo, Let's kill Hitler! I'm excited. And then on the 29th it's the US Open, Murray's last chance to win a grand slam in 2011.

I guess I should also mention, that I've fallen in love since my last post. :) I might share more on that later.